Scanning no man’s land between 1710-1800 kHz and I find a weak carrier on 1760. Noting a number of trans-atlantic carriers on the 9 kHz spaced frequenices, I surmise that propagation is decent towards Europe on medium wave. I stick with the 1760 carrier a bit longer and begin to notice some very weak muffled modulation. On signal peaks I can tell it’s dance music, with a fast thumping beat, but nothing else can be made out. Audio is threshold at best. Could this finally be my first Euro pirate log on medium wave? I immediately connected to a remote Perseus in Italy to see what the situation was, and sure enough, there’s a pirate playing electronic dance music with an incredibly strong signal and 30 kHz worth of audio bandwidth! Still an UNID to me but likely coming from the Balkan region where pirate activity seems rather common over there in this part of the spectrum (as evidenced by these recent logs by Carlos Gonçalves). What isn’t common is hearing one of them in West Michigan! Here’s a snapshot of the pirate signal as received from West Michigan:

From the remote SDR in Italy, who had a near local copy, I recorded a bit of the reception:
Anyone recognize who the station may be, or perhaps have contact information? They may be interested to know they were heard in Midwestern, USA., albeit very weak.